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DCES Dismissal Procedure


Dismissal Procedures for Car Riders and Neighborhood Walkers

We are seeing some great improvement regarding student safety for our car riders and neighborhood walkers. Walkers are dismissed just prior to car dismissal and walked across the lot by a staff member.  This is a much safer approach for our pedestrians. Parents are doing a great job driving around the circle, remaining in their cars and picking students up at the front doors. Out of consideration to parents who are waiting in line, we are starting car dismissal at 3:00 and we are usually through the line within 5-7 minutes.  

In addition, we are now asking all parents who park their cars and walk up to the building for an early dismissal to do so by 2:30 so there is less congestion and safety concerns. If you do need to enter the building before the official dismissal time, please use the call button and register at the front desk. Official dismissal time is 3:00. All children will be officially dismissed at 3:00. We ask that you respect our request and help us keep all pedestrians safe and limit the amount of people who enter through our school doors.

Changes in dismissal or transportation.

When sending in a note or calling please include the child's FULL name, teachers name and the change.  While we understand an emergency does happen please notify the office by 12:00 each day.